Stop | Station | Arr Dep | Distance Days Runs |
1 | Bhagalpur (BGP) | 07:50 | 0 Km Day 1 daily |
2 | Nathnagar (NAT) | 07:55 07:57 Halt: 2 Min | 4 Km Day 1 daily |
3 | Sultanganj (SGG) | 08:17 08:19 Halt: 2 Min | 24 Km Day 1 daily |
4 | Bariarpur (BUP) | 08:39 08:41 Halt: 2 Min | 42 Km Day 1 daily |
5 | Ratanpur (RPUR) | 08:56 08:58 Halt: 2 Min | 47 Km Day 1 daily |
6 | Monghyr (MGR) | 09:25 09:30 Halt: 5 Min | 56 Km Day 1 daily |
7 | Sahibpur Kml Junction (SKJ) | 09:51 09:53 Halt: 2 Min | 69 Km Day 1 daily |
8 | Begu Sarai (BGS) | 10:22 10:24 Halt: 2 Min | 96 Km Day 1 daily |
9 | Barauni Junction (BJU) | 11:00 11:10 Halt: 10 Min | 111 Km Day 1 daily |
10 | Samastipur Junction (SPJ) | 12:40 12:45 Halt: 5 Min | 162 Km Day 1 daily |
11 | Darbhanga Junction (DBG) | 13:58 14:03 Halt: 5 Min | 200 Km Day 1 daily |
12 | Sakri Junction (SKI) | 14:21 14:23 Halt: 2 Min | 219 Km Day 1 daily |
13 | Madhubani (MBI) | 14:52 14:54 Halt: 2 Min | 236 Km Day 1 daily |
14 | Jaynagar (JYG) | 16:05 | 268 Km Day 1 daily |
15553 BGP JYG Express is a MAIL EXPRESS train run by Indian railways between Bhagalpur (BGP) and Jaynagar (JYG) stations. It uniquely identifies itself with train number 15553. At the top of the page, one can find the 15553 train route and the 15553 train time table. It departs from the source station Bhagalpur (BGP) at 07:50 on day 1 and reaches its destination station Jaynagar (JYG) at 16:05 on day 1. It runs Daily from the source station and covers a total journey of 268 kilometre. 15553 train route includes travel journey through 14 stations, and it has stoppages on Bhagalpur, Nathnagar, Sultanganj, Bariarpur, Ratanpur, Monghyr, Sahibpur Kml Jn, Begu Sarai, Barauni Jn, Samastipur Jn, Darbhanga Jn, Sakri Jn, Madhubani, Jaynagar.
If we closely look at the 15553 train time table, travelling by 15553 BGP JYG Express gives us a chance to explore the following cities in a quick view as they come along the route.
It is the 1st station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express. The station code of Bhagalpur is BGP. The departure time of train 15553 from Bhagalpur is 07:50. The next stopping station is Nathnagar at a distance of 4km.
It is the 2nd station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 4 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Nathnagar is NAT. The arrival time of 15553 at Nathnagar is 07:55. The departure time of train 15553 from Nathnagar is 07:57. The total halt time of train 15553 at Nathnagar is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Bhagalpur is 4km away. The next stopping station is Sultanganj at a distance of 20km.
It is the 3rd station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 24 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Sultanganj is SGG. The arrival time of 15553 at Sultanganj is 08:17. The departure time of train 15553 from Sultanganj is 08:19. The total halt time of train 15553 at Sultanganj is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Nathnagar is 20km away. The next stopping station is Bariarpur at a distance of 18km.
It is the 4th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 42 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Bariarpur is BUP. The arrival time of 15553 at Bariarpur is 08:39. The departure time of train 15553 from Bariarpur is 08:41. The total halt time of train 15553 at Bariarpur is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Sultanganj is 18km away. The next stopping station is Ratanpur at a distance of 5km.
It is the 5th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 47 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Ratanpur is RPUR. The arrival time of 15553 at Ratanpur is 08:56. The departure time of train 15553 from Ratanpur is 08:58. The total halt time of train 15553 at Ratanpur is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Bariarpur is 5km away. The next stopping station is Monghyr at a distance of 9km.
It is the 6th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 56 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Monghyr is MGR. The arrival time of 15553 at Monghyr is 09:25. The departure time of train 15553 from Monghyr is 09:30. The total halt time of train 15553 at Monghyr is 5 minutes. The previous stopping station, Ratanpur is 9km away. The next stopping station is Sahibpur Kml Jn at a distance of 13km.
It is the 7th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 69 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Sahibpur Kml Jn is SKJ. The arrival time of 15553 at Sahibpur Kml Jn is 09:51. The departure time of train 15553 from Sahibpur Kml Jn is 09:53. The total halt time of train 15553 at Sahibpur Kml Jn is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Monghyr is 13km away. The next stopping station is Begu Sarai at a distance of 27km.
It is the 8th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 96 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Begu Sarai is BGS. The arrival time of 15553 at Begu Sarai is 10:22. The departure time of train 15553 from Begu Sarai is 10:24. The total halt time of train 15553 at Begu Sarai is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Sahibpur Kml Jn is 27km away. The next stopping station is Barauni Jn at a distance of 15km.
It is the 9th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 111 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Barauni Jn is BJU. The arrival time of 15553 at Barauni Jn is 11:00. The departure time of train 15553 from Barauni Jn is 11:10. The total halt time of train 15553 at Barauni Jn is 10 minutes. The previous stopping station, Begu Sarai is 15km away. The next stopping station is Samastipur Jn at a distance of 51km.
It is the 10th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 162 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Samastipur Jn is SPJ. The arrival time of 15553 at Samastipur Jn is 12:40. The departure time of train 15553 from Samastipur Jn is 12:45. The total halt time of train 15553 at Samastipur Jn is 5 minutes. The previous stopping station, Barauni Jn is 51km away. The next stopping station is Darbhanga Jn at a distance of 38km.
It is the 11th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 200 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Darbhanga Jn is DBG. The arrival time of 15553 at Darbhanga Jn is 13:58. The departure time of train 15553 from Darbhanga Jn is 14:03. The total halt time of train 15553 at Darbhanga Jn is 5 minutes. The previous stopping station, Samastipur Jn is 38km away. The next stopping station is Sakri Jn at a distance of 19km.
It is the 12th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 219 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Sakri Jn is SKI. The arrival time of 15553 at Sakri Jn is 14:21. The departure time of train 15553 from Sakri Jn is 14:23. The total halt time of train 15553 at Sakri Jn is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Darbhanga Jn is 19km away. The next stopping station is Madhubani at a distance of 17km.
It is the 13th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 236 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Madhubani is MBI. The arrival time of 15553 at Madhubani is 14:52. The departure time of train 15553 from Madhubani is 14:54. The total halt time of train 15553 at Madhubani is 2 minutes. The previous stopping station, Sakri Jn is 17km away. The next stopping station is Jaynagar at a distance of 32km.
It is the 14th station in the train route of 15553 BGP JYG Express at a distance of 268 Km from the source station Bhagalpur. The station code of Jaynagar is JYG. The arrival time of 15553 at Jaynagar is 16:05. The previous stopping station, Madhubani is 32km away.
Trainspnrstatus is one of the best website for checking trains running status. You can find the 15553 BGP JYG Express running status here.
Monghyr, Barauni Junction, Samastipur Junction, Darbhanga Junction are major halts where BGP JYG Express halts for more than five minutes. Getting hotel accommodations and cab facilities in these cities is easy.
Trainspnrstatus is one stop best portal for checking pnr status. You can find the 15553 BGP JYG Express IRCTC and Indian Railways PNR status here. All you have to do is to enter your 10 digit PNR number in the form. PNR number is printed on the IRCTC ticket.
Train number of BGP JYG Express is 15553. You can check entire BGP JYG Express train schedule here. with important details like arrival and departure time.
15553 train schedule BGP JYG Express train time table BGP JYG Express ka time table BGP JYG Express kitne baje hai BGP JYG Express ka number15553 train time table