1 | 22904 BDTS AC S F EXP | Mon Thu Sat | |
16:05 BHUJ Bhuj | 04:04 BVI Borivali | 11h 59m 818 Km 68.3 km/hr | |
2 | 12966 BHUJ BDTS SF EXP | Fri | |
17:40 BHUJ Bhuj | 10:26 BVI Borivali | 16h 46m 952 Km 56.8 km/hr | |
3 | 12960 BHUJ BDTS SF EXP | Mon | |
17:40 BHUJ Bhuj | 10:26 BVI Borivali | 16h 46m 952 Km 56.8 km/hr | |
4 | 22956 KUTCH EXPRESS | Daily | |
20:15 BHUJ Bhuj | 10:41 BVI Borivali | 14h 26m 818 Km 56.7 km/hr | |
5 | 20908 BHUJ DDR S F EXP | Daily | |
22:35 BHUJ Bhuj | 13:08 BVI Borivali | 14h 33m 818 Km 56.2 km/hr | |
Distance Between Bhuj and Borivali is 819 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
819 | Kilometres |
508.902849 | Miles |
819000 | Meters |
81900000 | Centimeters |
895666.59 | Yards |
2687007.96 | Feet |
32244111.9 | Inches |
Travel time from Bhuj to Borivali is generally 12 hours and 37 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
22904 | 11 hours and 59 minutes |
12966 | 16 hours and 46 minutes |
12960 | 16 hours and 46 minutes |
22956 | 14 hours and 26 minutes |
20908 | 14 hours and 33 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Bhuj and Borivali is 819 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 12h 37m.
22904 Bdts Ac S F Exp is the fastest train available from Bhuj to Borivali. It takes only 11 hours and 59 minutes to complete the journey.
09004 Bdts Ac S F Exp is the first train from Bhuj to Borivali. It leaves Bhuj at 15:55.
20908 Bhuj-ddr S F Exp is the last train from Bhuj to Borivali. It leaves Bhuj at 22:35.
Currently, 5 superfast trains run between Bhuj and Borivali.
22904 Bdts Ac S F Exp is a supefast express train that starts from Bhuj and terminates at Bandra Terminus.
Night Bhuj Borivali Trains Morning Bhuj Borivali Trains BHUJ se BORIVALI train