1 | 12105 CSMT G VIDARBHA EXP | Daily | |
02:10 BSL Bhusaval Jn | 10:40 TRO Tirora | 08h 30m 494 Km 58.1 km/hr | |
2 | 18029 LTT SHM EXP | Daily | |
05:15 BSL Bhusaval Jn | 15:10 TRO Tirora | 09h 55m 494 Km 49.8 km/hr | |
3 | 11039 KOP G MAHARASHTRA EXP | Daily | |
07:45 BSL Bhusaval Jn | 17:18 TRO Tirora | 09h 33m 494 Km 51.7 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Bhusaval and Tirora. The below table lists them all.
1 | 12105 CSMT G VIDARBHA EXP | Daily | |
02:10 BSL Bhusaval Jn | 10:40 TRO Tirora | 08h 30m 494 Km 58.1 km/hr | |
Distance Between Bhusaval and Tirora is 494 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
494 | Kilometres |
306.957274 | Miles |
494000 | Meters |
49400000 | Centimeters |
540243.34 | Yards |
1620734.96 | Feet |
19448829.4 | Inches |
Travel time from Bhusaval to Tirora is generally 08 hours and 30 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
12105 | 08 hours and 30 minutes |
18029 | 09 hours and 55 minutes |
11039 | 09 hours and 33 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Bhusaval Junction and Tirora is 494 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 08h 30m.
12833 Adi-hwh Superfast Express is the fastest train available from Bhusaval to Tirora. It takes only 08 hours and 15 minutes to complete the journey.
12105 Csmt-g Vidarbha Exp is the first train from Bhusaval to Tirora. It leaves Bhusaval Jn at 02:10.
11039 Kop-g Maharashtra Exp is the last train from Bhusaval to Tirora. It leaves Bhusaval Jn at 07:45.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Bhusaval and Tirora.
12105 Csmt-g Vidarbha Exp is a supefast express train that starts from Mumbai Cst and terminates at Gondia Jn.
Night Bhusaval Tirora Trains Morning Bhusaval Tirora Trains BHUSAVAL JN se TIRORA train