1 | 15081 JEA GTNR EXPRESS | Daily | |
13:31 CM Campierganj | 20:45 GTNR Gomati Nagar | 07h 14m 296 Km 40.9 km/hr | |
2 | 15009 GKP MLN EXP | Daily | |
23:17 CM Campierganj | 06:03 GTNR Gomati Nagar | 06h 46m 295 Km 43.6 km/hr | |
Distance Between Campierganj and Gomati Nagar is 296 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
296 | Kilometres |
183.925816 | Miles |
296000 | Meters |
29600000 | Centimeters |
323708.56 | Yards |
971128.64 | Feet |
11653549.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Campierganj to Gomati Nagar is generally 11 hours and 34 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
15081 | 07 hours and 14 minutes |
15009 | 06 hours and 46 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Campierganj and Gomati Nagar is 296 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 11h 34m.
05009 Gkp-mln-exp is the fastest train available from Campierganj to Gomati Nagar. It takes only 06 hours and 43 minutes to complete the journey.
55031 Jea-ljn Passenger is the first train from Campierganj to Gomati Nagar. It leaves Campierganj at 08:43.
15009 Gkp-mln-exp is the last train from Campierganj to Gomati Nagar. It leaves Campierganj at 23:17.
Night Campierganj Gomati Nagar Trains Morning Campierganj Gomati Nagar Trains CAMPIERGANJ se GOMATI NAGAR train