1 | 22675 MS TPJ CHOLAN SF EXP | Daily | |
08:18 CGL Chengalpattu | 11:31 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 13m 204 Km 63.4 km/hr | |
2 | 22536 BSBS RMM SUF EXP | Tue | |
09:20 CGL Chengalpattu | 12:39 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 19m 205 Km 61.8 km/hr | |
3 | 07695 SC RMD | Thu | |
10:50 CGL Chengalpattu | 13:59 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 09m 205 Km 65.1 km/hr | |
4 | 11017 LTT KIK WEEKLY EXPRESS | Sun | |
12:20 CGL Chengalpattu | 15:41 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 21m 205 Km 61.2 km/hr | |
5 | 16105 MS TCN EXP | Daily | |
17:05 CGL Chengalpattu | 20:38 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 33m 204 Km 57.5 km/hr | |
6 | 09419 ADI TPJ SPL | Fri | |
17:25 CGL Chengalpattu | 21:35 SY Sirkazhi | 04h 10m 205 Km 49.2 km/hr | |
7 | 16751 MS RMM EXP | Daily | |
20:15 CGL Chengalpattu | 23:26 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 11m 204 Km 64.1 km/hr | |
There is a total of 2 holiday special trains between Chengalpattu and Sirkazhi. The below table lists them all.
1 | 07695 SC RMD | Thu | |
10:50 CGL Chengalpattu | 13:59 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 09m 205 Km 65.1 km/hr | |
2 | 09419 ADI TPJ SPL | Fri | |
17:25 CGL Chengalpattu | 21:35 SY Sirkazhi | 04h 10m 205 Km 49.2 km/hr | |
There is a total of 2 superfast trains between Chengalpattu and Sirkazhi. The below table lists them all.
1 | 22675 MS TPJ CHOLAN SF EXP | Daily | |
08:18 CGL Chengalpattu | 11:31 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 13m 204 Km 63.4 km/hr | |
2 | 22536 BSBS RMM SUF EXP | Tue | |
09:20 CGL Chengalpattu | 12:39 SY Sirkazhi | 03h 19m 205 Km 61.8 km/hr | |
Distance Between Chengalpattu and Sirkazhi is 204 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
204 | Kilometres |
126.759684 | Miles |
204000 | Meters |
20400000 | Centimeters |
223096.44 | Yards |
669291.36 | Feet |
8031500.4 | Inches |
Travel time from Chengalpattu to Sirkazhi is generally 03 hours and 13 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
22675 | 03 hours and 13 minutes |
22536 | 03 hours and 19 minutes |
07695 | 03 hours and 09 minutes |
11017 | 03 hours and 21 minutes |
16105 | 03 hours and 33 minutes |
09419 | 04 hours and 10 minutes |
16751 | 03 hours and 11 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Chengalpattu and Sirkazhi is 204 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 03h 13m.
07695 Sc-rmd is the fastest train available from Chengalpattu to Sirkazhi. It takes only 03 hours and 09 minutes to complete the journey.
22675 Ms-tpj Cholan Sf Exp is the first train from Chengalpattu to Sirkazhi. It leaves Chengalpattu at 08:18.
16751 Ms-rmm Exp is the last train from Chengalpattu to Sirkazhi. It leaves Chengalpattu at 20:15.
Currently, 2 superfast trains run between Chengalpattu and Sirkazhi.
22675 Ms-tpj Cholan Sf Exp is a supefast express train that starts from Chennai Egmore and terminates at Tiruchchirappalli Jn.
We found 2 holiday special trains that run from Chengalpattu to Sirkazhi.
07695 Sc-rmd is a holiday / Summer special train that starts from Secunderabad Jn and terminates at Ramanathapuram.
Night Chengalpattu Sirkazhi Trains Morning Chengalpattu Sirkazhi Trains CHENGALPATTU se SIRKAZHI train