Distance Between Chourai and Patansaongi is 147 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
147 | Kilometres |
91.341537 | Miles |
147000 | Meters |
14700000 | Centimeters |
160760.67 | Yards |
482283.48 | Feet |
5787404.7 | Inches |
Travel time from Chourai to Patansaongi is generally 06 hours and 56 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Chourai and Patansaongi is 147 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 06h 56m.
58840 Hbg-mib Pass is the fastest train available from Chourai to Patansaongi. It takes only 06 hours and 56 minutes to complete the journey.
58840 Hbg-mib Pass is the first train from Chourai to Patansaongi. It leaves Chourai at 06:22.
Night Chourai Patansaongi Trains Morning Chourai Patansaongi Trains CHOURAI se PATANSAONGI train
Cancelled or Renumbered Trains | |||
No | Train No & Name Dep Time From | Arr Time To | Run Days Travel Time Distance |
1 | 58840 HBG MIB PASS - CANCELLED | Daily | |
06:22 CHUA Chourai | 13:18 PTS Patansaongi | 06h 56m 147 Km 21.2 km/hr | |