1 | 16593 SBC NED EXPRESS | Daily | |
01:08 GBD Gauribidanur | 07:38 RC Raichur | 06h 30m 354 Km 54.5 km/hr | |
2 | 11014 CBE LTT EXP | Daily | |
17:30 GBD Gauribidanur | 00:48 RC Raichur | 07h 18m 337 Km 46.2 km/hr | |
3 | 17307 MYS BGK BASAVA EXPRESS | Daily | |
18:20 GBD Gauribidanur | 00:58 RC Raichur | 06h 38m 337 Km 50.8 km/hr | |
4 | 16583 YPR LUR EXPRESS | Wed Fri Sat | |
20:28 GBD Gauribidanur | 01:58 RC Raichur | 05h 30m 325 Km 59.1 km/hr | |
5 | 16571 YPR BIDR EXPRESS | Mon Tue Thu Sun | |
20:28 GBD Gauribidanur | 01:58 RC Raichur | 05h 30m 325 Km 59.1 km/hr | |
6 | 11302 SBC CSMT EXP | Daily | |
22:16 GBD Gauribidanur | 04:43 RC Raichur | 06h 27m 337 Km 52.2 km/hr | |
Distance Between Gauribidanur and Raichur is 354 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
354 | Kilometres |
219.965334 | Miles |
354000 | Meters |
35400000 | Centimeters |
387137.94 | Yards |
1161417.36 | Feet |
13937015.4 | Inches |
Travel time from Gauribidanur to Raichur is generally 07 hours and 43 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
16593 | 06 hours and 30 minutes |
11014 | 07 hours and 18 minutes |
17307 | 06 hours and 38 minutes |
16583 | 05 hours and 30 minutes |
16571 | 05 hours and 30 minutes |
11302 | 06 hours and 27 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Gauribidanur and Raichur is 354 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 07h 43m.
16583 Ypr-lur Express is the fastest train available from Gauribidanur to Raichur. It takes only 05 hours and 30 minutes to complete the journey.
06519 Sbc-ned Festival Exp Spl is the first train from Gauribidanur to Raichur. It leaves Gauribidanur at 00:20.
11302 Sbc-csmt Exp is the last train from Gauribidanur to Raichur. It leaves Gauribidanur at 22:16.
Night Gauribidanur Raichur Trains Morning Gauribidanur Raichur Trains GAURIBIDANUR se RAICHUR train