1 | 18030 SHM LTT EXP | Daily | |
21:48 GOL Goilkera | 13:44 AJNI Ajni | 15h 56m 787 Km 49.4 km/hr | |
2 | 18109 TATA ITR EXP | Daily | |
11:05 GOL Goilkera | 04:15 ITR Itwari | 17h 10m 780 Km 45.4 km/hr | |
Distance Between Goilkera and Ajni is 787 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
787 | Kilometres |
489.018977 | Miles |
787000 | Meters |
78700000 | Centimeters |
860671.07 | Yards |
2582021.08 | Feet |
30984268.7 | Inches |
Travel time from Goilkera to Ajni is generally 15 hours and 56 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
18030 | 15 hours and 56 minutes |
18109 | 17 hours and 10 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Goilkera and Ajni is 787 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 15h 56m.
18030 Shm Ltt Exp is the fastest train available from Goilkera to Ajni. It takes only 15 hours and 56 minutes to complete the journey.
18030 Shm Ltt Exp is the first train from Goilkera to Ajni. It leaves Goilkera at 21:48.
18109 Tata Itr Exp is the last train from Goilkera to Ajni. It leaves Goilkera at 11:05.
Night Goilkera Ajni Trains Morning Goilkera Ajni Trains GOILKERA se AJNI train