1 | 13009 HWH YNRK DOON EXP | Daily | |
02:01 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 03:54 PRP Paharpur | 01h 53m 137 Km 72.7 km/hr | |
2 | 13305 DHN DOS INTERCITY EXP | Daily | |
06:33 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 09:04 PRP Paharpur | 02h 31m 137 Km 54.4 km/hr | |
3 | 13553 ASN BSB MEMU EXP | Daily | |
08:56 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 12:58 PRP Paharpur | 04h 02m 137 Km 34 km/hr | |
4 | 18626 HTE PRNC EXP | Daily | |
09:43 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 11:33 PRP Paharpur | 01h 50m 137 Km 74.7 km/hr | |
5 | 12801 PURI NDLS PURUSHOTTAM | Daily | |
10:55 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 12:36 PRP Paharpur | 01h 41m 137 Km 81.4 km/hr | |
6 | 13545 ASN GAYA MEMU EXP | Daily | |
16:10 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 19:50 PRP Paharpur | 03h 40m 137 Km 37.4 km/hr | |
7 | 13151 KOAA JAT EXP | Daily | |
17:27 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 19:36 PRP Paharpur | 02h 09m 137 Km 63.7 km/hr | |
8 | 18624 HTE IPR EXPRESS | Daily | |
23:35 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 01:40 PRP Paharpur | 02h 05m 137 Km 65.8 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Nsc Bose J Gomo and Paharpur. The below table lists them all.
1 | 12801 PURI NDLS PURUSHOTTAM | Daily | |
10:55 GMO Nsc Bose J Gomo | 12:36 PRP Paharpur | 01h 41m 137 Km 81.4 km/hr | |
Distance Between Nsc Bose J Gomo and Paharpur is 137 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
137 | Kilometres |
85.127827 | Miles |
137000 | Meters |
13700000 | Centimeters |
149824.57 | Yards |
449475.08 | Feet |
5393703.7 | Inches |
Travel time from Nsc Bose J Gomo to Paharpur is generally 01 hours and 53 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
13009 | 01 hours and 53 minutes |
13305 | 02 hours and 31 minutes |
13553 | 04 hours and 02 minutes |
18626 | 01 hours and 50 minutes |
12801 | 01 hours and 41 minutes |
13545 | 03 hours and 40 minutes |
13151 | 02 hours and 09 minutes |
18624 | 02 hours and 05 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Nsc Bose J Gomo and Paharpur is 137 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 01h 53m.
12801 Puri-ndls Purushottam is the fastest train available from Nsc Bose J Gomo to Paharpur. It takes only 01 hours and 41 minutes to complete the journey.
13009 Hwh Ynrk Doon Exp is the first train from Nsc Bose J Gomo to Paharpur. It leaves Nsc Bose J Gomo at 02:01.
18624 Hte - Ipr Express is the last train from Nsc Bose J Gomo to Paharpur. It leaves Nsc Bose J Gomo at 23:35.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Nsc Bose J Gomo and Paharpur.
12801 Puri-ndls Purushottam is a supefast express train that starts from Puri and terminates at New Delhi.
Night Nsc Bose J Gomo Paharpur Trains Morning Nsc Bose J Gomo Paharpur Trains NSC BOSE J GOMO se PAHARPUR train