1 | 22501 SMVB NTSK S F EXPRESS | Thu | |
06:55 GHY Guwahati | 16:33 MRHT Moranhat | 09h 38m 465 Km 48.3 km/hr | |
2 | 15927 RNY NTSK EXPRESS | Mon Tue Fri Sat | |
07:25 GHY Guwahati | 17:26 MRHT Moranhat | 10h 01m 465 Km 46.4 km/hr | |
3 | 20504 RAJDHANI EXPRESS | Tue Wed Thu Sat Sun | |
18:50 GHY Guwahati | 03:42 MRHT Moranhat | 08h 52m 466 Km 52.6 km/hr | |
4 | 15669 GHY DBRT NAGALAND EXPRESS | Daily | |
20:45 GHY Guwahati | 09:43 MRHT Moranhat | 12h 58m 513 Km 39.6 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Guwahati and Moranhat. The below table lists them all.
1 | 22501 SMVB NTSK S F EXPRESS | Thu | |
06:55 GHY Guwahati | 16:33 MRHT Moranhat | 09h 38m 465 Km 48.3 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 Rajdhani Express trains between Guwahati and Moranhat. The below table lists them all.
1 | 20504 RAJDHANI EXPRESS | Tue Wed Thu Sat Sun | |
18:50 GHY Guwahati | 03:42 MRHT Moranhat | 08h 52m 466 Km 52.6 km/hr | |
Distance Between Guwahati and Moranhat is 466 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
466 | Kilometres |
289.558886 | Miles |
466000 | Meters |
46600000 | Centimeters |
509622.26 | Yards |
1528871.44 | Feet |
18346466.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Guwahati to Moranhat is generally 09 hours and 56 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
22501 | 09 hours and 38 minutes |
15927 | 10 hours and 01 minutes |
20504 | 08 hours and 52 minutes |
15669 | 12 hours and 58 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Guwahati and Moranhat is 466 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 09h 56m.
12085 Shatabdi Express is the fastest train available from Guwahati to Moranhat. It takes only 08 hours and 27 minutes to complete the journey.
02249 Sbc-ntsk Superfast Spl is the first train from Guwahati to Moranhat. It leaves Guwahati at 06:35.
15669 Ghy-dbrt Nagaland Express is the last train from Guwahati to Moranhat. It leaves Guwahati at 20:45.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Guwahati and Moranhat.
22501 Smvb-ntsk S F Express is a supefast express train that starts from Smvt Bengaluru and terminates at New Tinsukia.
We found 1 rajdhani trains that run from Guwahati to Moranhat.
20504 Rajdhani Express is a Rajdhani Express train that starts from New Delhi and terminates at Dibrugarh leaves Guwahati at 18:50.
Night Guwahati Moranhat Trains Morning Guwahati Moranhat Trains GUWAHATI se MORANHAT train