1 | 13150 APDJ SDAH KANCHAN KANYA E | Daily | |
16:02 HSA Hasimara | 02:39 PKR Pakaur | 10h 37m 446 Km 42 km/hr | |
2 | 15662 KYQ RNC EXPRESS | Tue | |
17:50 HSA Hasimara | 03:31 PKR Pakaur | 09h 41m 433 Km 44.7 km/hr | |
3 | 05671 GHY RNC TOD SPECIAL | Sat | |
17:50 HSA Hasimara | 03:31 PKR Pakaur | 09h 41m 446 Km 46.1 km/hr | |
4 | 22512 KARMABHOOMI EXPRESS | Sat | |
23:42 HSA Hasimara | 09:08 PKR Pakaur | 09h 26m 433 Km 45.9 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 holiday special trains between Hasimara and Pakaur. The below table lists them all.
1 | 05671 GHY RNC TOD SPECIAL | Sat | |
17:50 HSA Hasimara | 03:31 PKR Pakaur | 09h 41m 446 Km 46.1 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Hasimara and Pakaur. The below table lists them all.
1 | 22512 KARMABHOOMI EXPRESS | Sat | |
23:42 HSA Hasimara | 09:08 PKR Pakaur | 09h 26m 433 Km 45.9 km/hr | |
Distance Between Hasimara and Pakaur is 446 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
446 | Kilometres |
277.131466 | Miles |
446000 | Meters |
44600000 | Centimeters |
487750.06 | Yards |
1463254.64 | Feet |
17559064.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Hasimara to Pakaur is generally 10 hours and 37 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
13150 | 10 hours and 37 minutes |
15662 | 09 hours and 41 minutes |
05671 | 09 hours and 41 minutes |
22512 | 09 hours and 26 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Hasimara and Pakaur is 446 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 10h 37m.
22512 Karmabhoomi Express is the fastest train available from Hasimara to Pakaur. It takes only 09 hours and 26 minutes to complete the journey.
13150 Apdj-sdah Kanchan Kanya E is the first train from Hasimara to Pakaur. It leaves Hasimara at 16:02.
22512 Karmabhoomi Express is the last train from Hasimara to Pakaur. It leaves Hasimara at 23:42.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Hasimara and Pakaur.
22512 Karmabhoomi Express is a supefast express train that starts from Kamakhya and terminates at Lokmanyatilak.
We found 1 holiday special trains that run from Hasimara to Pakaur.
05671 Ghy-rnc Tod Special is a holiday / Summer special train that starts from Guwahati and terminates at Ranchi.
Night Hasimara Pakaur Trains Morning Hasimara Pakaur Trains HASIMARA se PAKAUR train