1 | 15269 MFP SBIB JANSADHARAN EXP | Fri | |
04:59 KLD Khalilabad | 21:10 JP Jaipur | 16h 11m 801 Km 49.5 km/hr | |
2 | 19410 GKP ADI EXPRESS | Mon Sat | |
05:40 KLD Khalilabad | 00:35 JP Jaipur | 18h 55m 913 Km 48.3 km/hr | |
Distance Between Khalilabad and Jaipur is 801 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
801 | Kilometres |
497.718171 | Miles |
801000 | Meters |
80100000 | Centimeters |
875981.61 | Yards |
2627952.84 | Feet |
31535450.1 | Inches |
Travel time from Khalilabad to Jaipur is generally 16 hours and 11 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
15269 | 16 hours and 11 minutes |
19410 | 18 hours and 55 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Khalilabad and Jaipur is 801 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 16h 11m.
15269 Mfp-sbib Jansadharan Exp is the fastest train available from Khalilabad to Jaipur. It takes only 16 hours and 11 minutes to complete the journey.
15269 Mfp-sbib Jansadharan Exp is the first train from Khalilabad to Jaipur. It leaves Khalilabad at 04:59.
19410 Gkp - Adi Express is the last train from Khalilabad to Jaipur. It leaves Khalilabad at 05:40.
Night Khalilabad Jaipur Trains Morning Khalilabad Jaipur Trains KHALILABAD se JAIPUR train