1 | 12591 GKP YPR EXP | Sat | |
11:04 BNZ Badshahnagar | 13:54 BMT Begampet | 26h 50m 1565 Km 58.3 km/hr | |
2 | 12589 GKP SC EXP | Wed | |
11:04 BNZ Badshahnagar | 13:40 SC Secunderabad Jn | 26h 36m 1560 Km 58.6 km/hr | |
3 | 22533 GKP YPR SF | Mon | |
11:04 BNZ Badshahnagar | 13:30 SC Secunderabad Jn | 26h 26m 1560 Km 59 km/hr | |
4 | 02576 GKP HYB | Sun | |
12:53 GTNR Gomati Nagar | 16:20 HYB Hyderabad | 27h 27m 1574 Km 57.3 km/hr | |
5 | 15023 GKP YPR EXP | Tue | |
16:00 LKO Lucknow | 20:00 KCG Kacheguda | 28h 00m 1555 Km 55.5 km/hr | |
6 | 22684 LKO YPR EXPRESS | Thu | |
18:40 LKO Lucknow | 01:10 KCG Kacheguda | 30h 30m 1723 Km 56.5 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 holiday special trains between Lucknow Ne (ljn) and Begampet. The below table lists them all.
1 | 02576 GKP HYB | Sun | |
12:53 GTNR Gomati Nagar | 16:20 HYB Hyderabad | 27h 27m 1574 Km 57.3 km/hr | |
There is a total of 3 superfast trains between Lucknow Ne (ljn) and Begampet. The below table lists them all.
1 | 12591 GKP YPR EXP | Sat | |
11:04 BNZ Badshahnagar | 13:54 BMT Begampet | 26h 50m 1565 Km 58.3 km/hr | |
2 | 12589 GKP SC EXP | Wed | |
11:04 BNZ Badshahnagar | 13:40 SC Secunderabad Jn | 26h 36m 1560 Km 58.6 km/hr | |
3 | 22533 GKP YPR SF | Mon | |
11:04 BNZ Badshahnagar | 13:30 SC Secunderabad Jn | 26h 26m 1560 Km 59 km/hr | |
Distance Between Lucknow Ne (ljn) and Begampet is 1565 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
1565 | Kilometres |
972.445615 | Miles |
1565000 | Meters |
156500000 | Centimeters |
1711499.65 | Yards |
5134514.6 | Feet |
61614206.5 | Inches |
Travel time from Lucknow Ne (ljn) to Begampet is generally 26 hours and 50 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
12591 | 26 hours and 50 minutes |
12589 | 26 hours and 36 minutes |
22533 | 26 hours and 26 minutes |
02576 | 27 hours and 27 minutes |
15023 | 28 hours and 00 minutes |
22684 | 30 hours and 30 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Lucknow Ne (ljn) and Begampet is 1565 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 26h 50m.
22533 Gkp- Ypr Sf is the fastest train available from Lucknow Ne (ljn) to Begampet. It takes only 26 hours and 26 minutes to complete the journey.
12591 Gkp-ypr Exp is the first train from Lucknow Ne (ljn) to Begampet. It leaves Badshahnagar at 11:04.
22684 Lko-ypr Express is the last train from Lucknow Ne (ljn) to Begampet. It leaves Lucknow at 18:40.
Currently, 3 superfast trains run between Lucknow Ne (ljn) and Begampet.
12591 Gkp-ypr Exp is a supefast express train that starts from Gorakhpur and terminates at Yasvantpur Jn.
We found 1 holiday special trains that run from Lucknow Ne (ljn) to Begampet.
02576 Gkp Hyb is a holiday / Summer special train that starts from Gorakhpur and terminates at Hyderabad.
Night Lucknow Ne (ljn) Begampet Trains Morning Lucknow Ne (ljn) Begampet Trains LUCKNOW NE (LJN) se BEGAMPET train