1 | 08686 ADRA KGP MEMU PASS SPL | Daily | |
07:14 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 08:53 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 39m 96 Km 58.2 km/hr | |
2 | 08680 ADRA MDN MEMU SPL | Daily | |
08:24 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 10:07 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 43m 96 Km 55.9 km/hr | |
3 | 18024 GOMO KGP EXP | Daily | |
09:48 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 11:39 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 51m 96 Km 51.9 km/hr | |
4 | 18036 HTE KGP EXP | Daily | |
14:25 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 16:17 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 52m 97 Km 52 km/hr | |
5 | 08684 ADRA GBA MEMU SPECIAL | Daily | |
17:54 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 19:33 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 39m 96 Km 58.2 km/hr | |
6 | 18028 ASN KGP MEMU EXP | Daily | |
18:38 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 20:22 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 44m 97 Km 56 km/hr | |
There is a total of 3 passenger trains between Metyalsahar Halt and Bogri Road. The below table lists them all.
1 | 08686 ADRA KGP MEMU PASS SPL | Daily | |
07:14 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 08:53 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 39m 96 Km 58.2 km/hr | |
2 | 08680 ADRA MDN MEMU SPL | Daily | |
08:24 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 10:07 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 43m 96 Km 55.9 km/hr | |
3 | 08684 ADRA GBA MEMU SPECIAL | Daily | |
17:54 MYX Metyalsahar Halt | 19:33 BGO Bogri Road | 01h 39m 96 Km 58.2 km/hr | |
Distance Between Metyalsahar Halt and Bogri Road is 96 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
96 | Kilometres |
59.651616 | Miles |
96000 | Meters |
9600000 | Centimeters |
104986.56 | Yards |
314960.64 | Feet |
3779529.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Metyalsahar Halt to Bogri Road is generally 01 hours and 48 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
08686 | 01 hours and 39 minutes |
08680 | 01 hours and 43 minutes |
18024 | 01 hours and 51 minutes |
18036 | 01 hours and 52 minutes |
08684 | 01 hours and 39 minutes |
18028 | 01 hours and 44 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Metyalsahar Halt and Bogri Road is 96 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 01h 48m.
68098 Adra Gba Pass is the fastest train available from Metyalsahar Halt to Bogri Road. It takes only 01 hours and 33 minutes to complete the journey.
58602 Adra Kgp Passenger is the first train from Metyalsahar Halt to Bogri Road. It leaves Metyalsahar Halt at 05:45.
18028 Asn-kgp Memu Exp is the last train from Metyalsahar Halt to Bogri Road. It leaves Metyalsahar Halt at 18:38.
Currently, 3 local trains run between Metyalsahar Halt and Bogri Road.
For example, train number 08686 Adra Kgp Memu Pass Spl is a local passenger train that originates from Adra and ends at Kharagpur Jn station.
Night Metyalsahar Halt Bogri Road Trains Morning Metyalsahar Halt Bogri Road Trains METYALSAHAR HALT se BOGRI ROAD train