1 | 11007 CSMT PUNE DECCAN EXPRESS | Daily | |
08:25 NRL Neral | 09:38 LNL Lonavala | 01h 13m 42 Km 34.5 km/hr | |
2 | 11029 CSMT KOP KOYNA EXPRESS | Daily | |
10:08 NRL Neral | 11:08 LNL Lonavala | 01h 00m 42 Km 42 km/hr | |
Distance Between Neral and Lonavala is 42 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
42 | Kilometres |
26.097582 | Miles |
42000 | Meters |
4200000 | Centimeters |
45931.62 | Yards |
137795.28 | Feet |
1653544.2 | Inches |
Travel time from Neral to Lonavala is generally 01 hours and 16 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
11007 | 01 hours and 13 minutes |
11029 | 01 hours and 00 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Neral and Lonavala is 42 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 01h 16m.
01029 Csmt-kop Spl is the fastest train available from Neral to Lonavala. It takes only 01 hours and 00 minutes to complete the journey.
01007 Deccan Express is the first train from Neral to Lonavala. It leaves Neral at 08:25.
11029 Csmt-kop Koyna Express is the last train from Neral to Lonavala. It leaves Neral at 10:08.
Night Neral Lonavala Trains Morning Neral Lonavala Trains NERAL se LONAVALA train