1 | 15662 KYQ RNC EXPRESS | Wed | |
02:44 NFK New Farakka Jn | 11:18 CRP Chandrapura | 08h 34m 339 Km 39.6 km/hr | |
2 | 05671 GHY RNC TOD SPECIAL | Sun | |
02:44 NFK New Farakka Jn | 11:18 CRP Chandrapura | 08h 34m 306 Km 35.7 km/hr | |
3 | 13425 MLDT ST WEEKLY EXP | Sat | |
13:01 NFK New Farakka Jn | 20:53 CRP Chandrapura | 07h 52m 339 Km 43.1 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 holiday special trains between New Farakka and Chandrapura. The below table lists them all.
1 | 05671 GHY RNC TOD SPECIAL | Sun | |
02:44 NFK New Farakka Jn | 11:18 CRP Chandrapura | 08h 34m 306 Km 35.7 km/hr | |
Distance Between New Farakka and Chandrapura is 339 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
339 | Kilometres |
210.644769 | Miles |
339000 | Meters |
33900000 | Centimeters |
370733.79 | Yards |
1112204.76 | Feet |
13346463.9 | Inches |
Travel time from New Farakka to Chandrapura is generally 08 hours and 34 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
15662 | 08 hours and 34 minutes |
05671 | 08 hours and 34 minutes |
13425 | 07 hours and 52 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between New Farakka Junction and Chandrapura is 339 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 08h 34m.
13425 Mldt-st Weekly Exp is the fastest train available from New Farakka to Chandrapura. It takes only 07 hours and 52 minutes to complete the journey.
15662 Kyq-rnc Express is the first train from New Farakka to Chandrapura. It leaves New Farakka Jn at 02:44.
13425 Mldt-st Weekly Exp is the last train from New Farakka to Chandrapura. It leaves New Farakka Jn at 13:01.
We found 1 holiday special trains that run from New Farakka to Chandrapura.
05671 Ghy-rnc Tod Special is a holiday / Summer special train that starts from Guwahati and terminates at Ranchi.
Night New Farakka Chandrapura Trains Morning New Farakka Chandrapura Trains NEW FARAKKA JN se CHANDRAPURA train