1 | 12508 SCL TVC EXPRESS | Fri | |
21:30 RPH Rampur Hat | 17:47 CNGR Chengannur | 44h 17m 2651 Km 59.9 km/hr | |
2 | 22504 VIVEK EXPRESS | Wed Sun | |
22:12 RPH Rampur Hat | 16:39 CNGR Chengannur | 42h 27m 2591 Km 61 km/hr | |
Distance Between Rampur Hat and Chengannur is 2649 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
2649 | Kilometres |
1646.011779 | Miles |
2649000 | Meters |
264900000 | Centimeters |
2896972.89 | Yards |
8690945.16 | Feet |
104291394.9 | Inches |
Travel time from Rampur Hat to Chengannur is generally 44 hours and 20 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
12508 | 44 hours and 17 minutes |
22504 | 42 hours and 27 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Rampur Hat and Chengannur is 2649 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 44h 20m.
22504 Vivek Express is the fastest train available from Rampur Hat to Chengannur. It takes only 42 hours and 27 minutes to complete the journey.
02508 Scl-tvc Express Special is the first train from Rampur Hat to Chengannur. It leaves Rampur Hat at 21:30.
22504 Vivek Express is the last train from Rampur Hat to Chengannur. It leaves Rampur Hat at 22:12.
Currently, 2 superfast trains run between Rampur Hat and Chengannur.
12508 Scl-tvc Express is a supefast express train that starts from Silchar and terminates at Thiruvananthapuram Central.
Night Rampur Hat Chengannur Trains Morning Rampur Hat Chengannur Trains RAMPUR HAT se CHENGANNUR train