1 | 09382 RTM DHD MEMU SPECIAL | Daily | |
08:52 RTI Raoti | 10:16 BIO Bordi | 01h 24m 76 Km 54.3 km/hr | |
2 | 19820 KOTA BRC EXPRESS | Daily | |
19:10 RTI Raoti | 20:40 BIO Bordi | 01h 30m 76 Km 50.7 km/hr | |
3 | 09358 RTM DHD MEMU SPL | Daily | |
21:29 RTI Raoti | 23:41 BIO Bordi | 02h 12m 76 Km 34.5 km/hr | |
There is a total of 2 passenger trains between Raoti and Bordi. The below table lists them all.
1 | 09382 RTM DHD MEMU SPECIAL | Daily | |
08:52 RTI Raoti | 10:16 BIO Bordi | 01h 24m 76 Km 54.3 km/hr | |
2 | 09358 RTM DHD MEMU SPL | Daily | |
21:29 RTI Raoti | 23:41 BIO Bordi | 02h 12m 76 Km 34.5 km/hr | |
Distance Between Raoti and Bordi is 76 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
76 | Kilometres |
47.224196 | Miles |
76000 | Meters |
7600000 | Centimeters |
83114.36 | Yards |
249343.84 | Feet |
2992127.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Raoti to Bordi is generally 01 hours and 24 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
09382 | 01 hours and 24 minutes |
19820 | 01 hours and 30 minutes |
09358 | 02 hours and 12 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Raoti and Bordi is 76 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 01h 24m.
69182 Rtm-dhd Memu is the fastest train available from Raoti to Bordi. It takes only 01 hours and 22 minutes to complete the journey.
09382 Rtm-dhd Memu Special is the first train from Raoti to Bordi. It leaves Raoti at 08:52.
09358 Rtm-dhd Memu Spl is the last train from Raoti to Bordi. It leaves Raoti at 21:29.
Currently, 2 local trains run between Raoti and Bordi.
For example, train number 09382 Rtm-dhd Memu Special is a local passenger train that originates from Ratlam Jn and ends at Dahod station.
Night Raoti Bordi Trains Morning Raoti Bordi Trains RAOTI se BORDI train