1 | 19819 BRC KOTA EXPRESS | Daily | |
12:58 RTI Raoti | 18:37 DKRA Dhuankheri | 05h 39m 203 Km 35.9 km/hr | |
Distance Between Raoti and Dhuankheri is 203 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
203 | Kilometres |
126.138313 | Miles |
203000 | Meters |
20300000 | Centimeters |
222002.83 | Yards |
666010.52 | Feet |
7992130.3 | Inches |
Travel time from Raoti to Dhuankheri is generally 05 hours and 39 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
19819 | 05 hours and 39 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Raoti and Dhuankheri is 203 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 05h 39m.
05831 Brc-kota Parcel-cum-pass is the fastest train available from Raoti to Dhuankheri. It takes only 05 hours and 31 minutes to complete the journey.
19819 Brc-kota Express is the first train from Raoti to Dhuankheri. It leaves Raoti at 12:58.
Night Raoti Dhuankheri Trains Morning Raoti Dhuankheri Trains RAOTI se DHUANKHERI train