Distance Between Safedabad and Gonda Kachahri is 91 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
91 | Kilometres |
56.544761 | Miles |
91000 | Meters |
9100000 | Centimeters |
99518.51 | Yards |
298556.44 | Feet |
3582679.1 | Inches |
Travel time from Safedabad to Gonda Kachahri is generally 02 hours and 15 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Safedabad and Gonda Kachahri is 91 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 02h 15m.
55050 Ljn-jea Passenger is the fastest train available from Safedabad to Gonda Kachahri. It takes only 02 hours and 15 minutes to complete the journey.
55050 Ljn-jea Passenger is the first train from Safedabad to Gonda Kachahri. It leaves Safedabad at 06:41.
Night Safedabad Gonda Kachahri Trains Morning Safedabad Gonda Kachahri Trains SAFEDABAD se GONDA KACHAHRI train
Cancelled or Renumbered Trains | |||
No | Train No & Name Dep Time From | Arr Time To | Run Days Travel Time Distance |
1 | 55050 LJN JEA PASSENGER - CANCELLED | Daily | |
06:41 SFH Safedabad | 08:56 GDK Gonda Kachahri | 02h 15m 91 Km 40.4 km/hr | |
2 | 55032 DAL JEA PASSENGER - CANCELLED | Daily | |
18:12 SFH Safedabad | 20:46 GDK Gonda Kachahri | 02h 34m 91 Km 35.5 km/hr | |