Santamagulur To Gundalukamma Trains

107889  RAL MRKDaily
00h 46m
34 Km
44.3 km/hr
According to the rail network of Indian Railways, the distance between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma is 34 kilometres. And as listed in the above table, there are 1 direct trains between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma. Travelling by train makes our journey safe and convenient. Generally, Santamagulur Gundalukamma trains complete this journey in 00 hours and 47 minutes.

Distance Between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma

Distance Between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma is 34 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.


Travel Time From Santamagulur to Gundalukamma

Travel time from Santamagulur to Gundalukamma is generally 00 hours and 47 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.

Train NumberTime
0788900 hours and 46 minutes

Santamagulur Gundalukamma Trains FAQs

Q. What is the distance between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma?

According to the Indian Rail network distance between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma is 34 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 00h 47m.

Q. Which is the fastest train from Santamagulur to Gundalukamma?

57306 Gnt-kcg Pass is the fastest train available from Santamagulur to Gundalukamma. It takes only 00 hours and 37 minutes to complete the journey.

Q. Which is the first train from Santamagulur to Gundalukamma?

57624 Kcg Pass is the first train from Santamagulur to Gundalukamma. It leaves Santamagulur at 06:40.

Q. How many local trains run between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma?

Currently, 1 local trains run between Santamagulur and Gundalukamma.
For example, train number 07889 Ral-mrk is a local passenger train that originates from Repalle and ends at Markapur Road station.

Q. What are important tags for this page?

Night Santamagulur Gundalukamma Trains Morning Santamagulur Gundalukamma Trains SANTAMAGULUR se GUNDALUKAMMA train