1 | 08747 BSP KTE MEMU | Daily | |
06:15 USL Uslapur | 09:29 AAL Amlai | 03h 14m 156 Km 48.2 km/hr | |
2 | 08740 BSP SDL MEMU | Daily | |
08:00 USL Uslapur | 11:21 AAL Amlai | 03h 21m 156 Km 46.6 km/hr | |
3 | 18234 BSP INDB EXP | Daily | |
12:10 USL Uslapur | 14:51 AAL Amlai | 02h 41m 156 Km 58.1 km/hr | |
4 | 18247 BSP REWA EXP | Daily | |
19:36 USL Uslapur | 22:26 AAL Amlai | 02h 50m 156 Km 55.1 km/hr | |
5 | 18236 BSP BPL PASS CUM EXP | Daily | |
22:46 USL Uslapur | 01:39 AAL Amlai | 02h 53m 156 Km 54.1 km/hr | |
6 | 18205 DURG NTV EXP | Thu | |
23:05 USL Uslapur | 01:31 AAL Amlai | 02h 26m 155 Km 63.7 km/hr | |
7 | 15160 DURG CPR SARNATH EXP | Daily | |
23:36 USL Uslapur | 02:16 AAL Amlai | 02h 40m 155 Km 58.1 km/hr | |
8 | 18477 PURI YNRK DAILY EXP | Daily | |
14:40 BSP Bilaspur Jn | 17:26 AAL Amlai | 02h 46m 164 Km 59.3 km/hr | |
9 | 12853 DURG BPL EXP SF | Daily | |
21:05 BSP Bilaspur Jn | 23:53 AAL Amlai | 02h 48m 163 Km 58.2 km/hr | |
There is a total of 2 passenger trains between Uslapur and Amlai. The below table lists them all.
1 | 08747 BSP KTE MEMU | Daily | |
06:15 USL Uslapur | 09:29 AAL Amlai | 03h 14m 156 Km 48.2 km/hr | |
2 | 08740 BSP SDL MEMU | Daily | |
08:00 USL Uslapur | 11:21 AAL Amlai | 03h 21m 156 Km 46.6 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Uslapur and Amlai. The below table lists them all.
1 | 12853 DURG BPL EXP SF | Daily | |
21:05 BSP Bilaspur Jn | 23:53 AAL Amlai | 02h 48m 163 Km 58.2 km/hr | |
Distance Between Uslapur and Amlai is 156 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
156 | Kilometres |
96.933876 | Miles |
156000 | Meters |
15600000 | Centimeters |
170603.16 | Yards |
511811.04 | Feet |
6141735.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Uslapur to Amlai is generally 03 hours and 14 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
08747 | 03 hours and 14 minutes |
08740 | 03 hours and 21 minutes |
18234 | 02 hours and 41 minutes |
18247 | 02 hours and 50 minutes |
18236 | 02 hours and 53 minutes |
18205 | 02 hours and 26 minutes |
15160 | 02 hours and 40 minutes |
18477 | 02 hours and 46 minutes |
12853 | 02 hours and 48 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Uslapur and Amlai is 156 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 03h 14m.
18205 Durg Ntv Exp is the fastest train available from Uslapur to Amlai. It takes only 02 hours and 26 minutes to complete the journey.
08747 Bsp-kte Memu is the first train from Uslapur to Amlai. It leaves Uslapur at 06:15.
12853 Durg Bpl Exp Sf is the last train from Uslapur to Amlai. It leaves Bilaspur Jn at 21:05.
Currently, 2 local trains run between Uslapur and Amlai.
For example, train number 08747 Bsp-kte Memu is a local passenger train that originates from Bilaspur Jn. and ends at Katni station.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Uslapur and Amlai.
12853 Durg Bpl Exp Sf is a supefast express train that starts from Durg and terminates at Bhopal.
Night Uslapur Amlai Trains Morning Uslapur Amlai Trains USLAPUR se AMLAI train