1 | 18309 SBP JAT EXPRESS SPECIAL | Tue Wed Fri Sun | |
01:16 WDM Wyndhamganj | 13:00 CNB Kanpur Central | 11h 44m 504 Km 43 km/hr | |
2 | 18101 TATA JAT EXP | Mon Thu Sat | |
01:16 WDM Wyndhamganj | 13:00 CNB Kanpur Central | 11h 44m 504 Km 43 km/hr | |
Distance Between Wyndhamganj and Kanpur Central is 504 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
504 | Kilometres |
313.170984 | Miles |
504000 | Meters |
50400000 | Centimeters |
551179.44 | Yards |
1653543.36 | Feet |
19842530.4 | Inches |
Travel time from Wyndhamganj to Kanpur Central is generally 11 hours and 44 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
18309 | 11 hours and 44 minutes |
18101 | 11 hours and 44 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Wyndhamganj and Kanpur Central is 504 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 11h 44m.
08309 Sbp -jat Express Special is the fastest train available from Wyndhamganj to Kanpur Central. It takes only 10 hours and 35 minutes to complete the journey.
18309 Sbp -jat Express Special is the first train from Wyndhamganj to Kanpur Central. It leaves Wyndhamganj at 01:16.
18101 Tata Jat Exp is the last train from Wyndhamganj to Kanpur Central. It leaves Wyndhamganj at 01:16.
Night Wyndhamganj Kanpur Central Trains Morning Wyndhamganj Kanpur Central Trains WYNDHAMGANJ se KANPUR CENTRAL train