1 | 06243 SBC HPT PAS SPECIAL | Daily | |
05:15 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 10:13 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 58m 306 Km 61.6 km/hr | |
2 | 16217 MYS SNSI EXPRESS | Mon | |
08:18 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 12:58 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 40m 305 Km 65.4 km/hr | |
3 | 22687 MYS BSB SUF EXPRESS | Tue Thu | |
10:30 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 15:08 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 38m 305 Km 65.8 km/hr | |
4 | 82653 YPR JP SUVIDHA EXPRESS | Thu | |
11:30 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 15:39 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 09m 306 Km 73.7 km/hr | |
5 | 18112 YPR TATA WEEKLY EXP | Sun | |
12:30 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 17:03 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 33m 306 Km 67.3 km/hr | |
6 | 16545 YPR KTGG EXPRESS | Daily | |
20:25 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 01:38 CTA Chitradurg | 05h 13m 306 Km 58.7 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 passenger trains between Yasvantpur and Chitradurg. The below table lists them all.
1 | 06243 SBC HPT PAS SPECIAL | Daily | |
05:15 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 10:13 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 58m 306 Km 61.6 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Yasvantpur and Chitradurg. The below table lists them all.
1 | 22687 MYS BSB SUF EXPRESS | Tue Thu | |
10:30 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 15:08 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 38m 305 Km 65.8 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 Suvidha trains between Yasvantpur and Chitradurg. The below table lists them all.
1 | 82653 YPR JP SUVIDHA EXPRESS | Thu | |
11:30 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 15:39 CTA Chitradurg | 04h 09m 306 Km 73.7 km/hr | |
Distance Between Yasvantpur and Chitradurg is 306 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
306 | Kilometres |
190.139526 | Miles |
306000 | Meters |
30600000 | Centimeters |
334644.66 | Yards |
1003937.04 | Feet |
12047250.6 | Inches |
Travel time from Yasvantpur to Chitradurg is generally 04 hours and 58 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
06243 | 04 hours and 58 minutes |
16217 | 04 hours and 40 minutes |
22687 | 04 hours and 38 minutes |
82653 | 04 hours and 09 minutes |
18112 | 04 hours and 33 minutes |
16545 | 05 hours and 13 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Yasvantpur Junction and Chitradurg is 306 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 04h 58m.
82653 Ypr-jp Suvidha Express is the fastest train available from Yasvantpur to Chitradurg. It takes only 04 hours and 09 minutes to complete the journey.
06243 Sbc-hpt Pas Special is the first train from Yasvantpur to Chitradurg. It leaves Yasvantpur Jn at 05:15.
16545 Ypr-ktgg Express is the last train from Yasvantpur to Chitradurg. It leaves Yasvantpur Jn at 20:25.
Currently, 1 local trains run between Yasvantpur and Chitradurg.
For example, train number 06243 Sbc-hpt Pas Special is a local passenger train that originates from Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) and ends at Hospet Jn station.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Yasvantpur and Chitradurg.
22687 Mys-bsb Suf Express is a supefast express train that starts from Mysore Jn and terminates at Varanasi.
Night Yasvantpur Chitradurg Trains Morning Yasvantpur Chitradurg Trains YASVANTPUR JN se CHITRADURG train