1 | 07355 UBL RMM EXP SPL | Sat | |
14:45 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 16:50 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 05m 154 Km 73.9 km/hr | |
2 | 16211 YPR SA UR EXP | Daily | |
15:55 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 19:04 DPJ Dharmapuri | 03h 09m 154 Km 48.9 km/hr | |
3 | 16527 YPR CAN EXPRESS | Daily | |
20:00 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 23:01 DPJ Dharmapuri | 03h 01m 154 Km 51 km/hr | |
4 | 12257 YPR KCVL GARIBRATH EXP | Tue Thu Sun | |
20:45 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 23:28 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 43m 154 Km 56.7 km/hr | |
5 | 16573 YPR PDY EXPRESS | Fri | |
20:45 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 23:28 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 43m 154 Km 56.7 km/hr | |
6 | 11021 DR TEN EXPRESS | Wed Thu Sun | |
21:40 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 00:28 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 48m 155 Km 55.4 km/hr | |
7 | 12677 SBC ERS SF EXP | Daily | |
06:10 SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) | 08:38 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 28m 150 Km 60.8 km/hr | |
8 | 06277 SBC DPJ MEMU | Daily | |
18:30 SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) | 21:45 DPJ Dharmapuri | 03h 15m 150 Km 46.2 km/hr | |
9 | 16232 MYS MV EXPRESS | Daily | |
19:00 SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) | 21:56 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 56m 150 Km 51.1 km/hr | |
10 | 11013 LTT CBE COIMBATORE EXP | Daily | |
20:28 BNC Bangalore Cant | 00:43 DPJ Dharmapuri | 04h 15m 154 Km 36.2 km/hr | |
11 | 16236 MYS TN EXPRESS | Daily | |
21:15 SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) | 23:52 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 37m 150 Km 57.3 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 passenger trains between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri. The below table lists them all.
1 | 06277 SBC DPJ MEMU | Daily | |
18:30 SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) | 21:45 DPJ Dharmapuri | 03h 15m 150 Km 46.2 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 holiday special trains between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri. The below table lists them all.
1 | 07355 UBL RMM EXP SPL | Sat | |
14:45 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 16:50 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 05m 154 Km 73.9 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 superfast trains between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri. The below table lists them all.
1 | 12677 SBC ERS SF EXP | Daily | |
06:10 SBC Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) | 08:38 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 28m 150 Km 60.8 km/hr | |
There is a total of 1 Garib Rath trains between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri. The below table lists them all.
1 | 12257 YPR KCVL GARIBRATH EXP | Tue Thu Sun | |
20:45 YPR Yasvantpur Jn | 23:28 DPJ Dharmapuri | 02h 43m 154 Km 56.7 km/hr | |
Distance Between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri is 154 kilometres. The below table lists distance in other units.
Distance | Unit |
154 | Kilometres |
95.691134 | Miles |
154000 | Meters |
15400000 | Centimeters |
168415.94 | Yards |
505249.36 | Feet |
6062995.4 | Inches |
Travel time from Yasvantpur to Dharmapuri is generally 02 hours and 05 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below.
Train Number | Time |
07355 | 02 hours and 05 minutes |
16211 | 03 hours and 09 minutes |
16527 | 03 hours and 01 minutes |
12257 | 02 hours and 43 minutes |
16573 | 02 hours and 43 minutes |
11021 | 02 hours and 48 minutes |
12677 | 02 hours and 28 minutes |
06277 | 03 hours and 15 minutes |
16232 | 02 hours and 56 minutes |
11013 | 04 hours and 15 minutes |
According to the Indian Rail network distance between Yasvantpur Junction and Dharmapuri is 154 kilometres. This distance is generally travelled in 02h 05m.
07355 Ubl-rmm Exp Spl is the fastest train available from Yasvantpur to Dharmapuri. It takes only 02 hours and 05 minutes to complete the journey.
07355 Ubl-rmm Exp Spl is the first train from Yasvantpur to Dharmapuri. It leaves Yasvantpur Jn at 14:45.
16236 Mys-tn Express is the last train from Yasvantpur to Dharmapuri. It leaves Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) at 21:15.
Currently, 1 local trains run between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri.
For example, train number 06277 Sbc-dpj Memu is a local passenger train that originates from Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) and ends at Dharmapuri station.
Currently, 1 superfast trains run between Yasvantpur and Dharmapuri.
12677 Sbc-ers Sf Exp is a supefast express train that starts from Krantivira Sangolli Rayanna (bengaluru Station) and terminates at Ernakulam Jn.
We found 1 holiday special trains that run from Yasvantpur to Dharmapuri.
07355 Ubl-rmm Exp Spl is a holiday / Summer special train that starts from Hubli Jn and terminates at Rameswaram.
Night Yasvantpur Dharmapuri Trains Morning Yasvantpur Dharmapuri Trains YASVANTPUR JN se DHARMAPURI train